Overall like the article but it does downplay a few issues. 1. Education and skill training are great investments but with the cost of post-secondary going up it is less feasible for too many minorities. There are of course skilled trades and job training but if one group of people already has the stigma of being less capable working opportunities are usually limited to manual labor or other jobs seen as nonskilled, they also pay less. 2. Hispanics are a special case when you look at data involving them as so many are white-passing. I don't mean they just culturally assimilate but they are more difficult to pick out if you are racist so they have fewer barriers to entry in job interviews, and seeking. (think of Ted Cruz) 3. No matter the gains people make in regards to culture the gatekeepers stay the same so unless they become more comfortable with hiring minorities the opprotunities won't be there. 4. Yes, they can start their own business but where does the capital come from? Multiple studies are showing that white-founded businesses do better than Black founded ones at finding investments or securing loans because of the views of society as a whole on minorities. All this is kinda just a long way to say unless we see changes in culture in that people view Black Americans as just as capable we are stuck, that is going to require investments and redistribution that only the government is capable of. (Last thing) The idea the market will reward you is patently false because there are plenty of low paid workers across racial lines that are perfectly capable, as long as the system is able to underpay people it will. As long as it is socially acceptable to pay women, and minorties less than equally qualified white males they will. We see Black and Hispanic men with college degrees with less wealth and less earning power than white high school drop outs. Wealth and social capital give many white Americans a leg up that because of how recent it is that Blacks had equal access let alone any access to things like employment, housing or education. We need to be honest government policy is necessary.