
De'Andre Crenshaw
3 min readAug 24, 2022


After years of highlighting the failures and inhumane policies of Trump and Republicans regarding immigration, I was excited to see Democrats gain control of the government. It was our time to fix the atrocities at our southern border. Unfortunately, Democrats, since taking control of Washington with majorities in Congress and the presidency, have been slow to act or have outright ignored the issues regarding our southern border, downplaying it as a manufactured crisis by conservatives. But it is a real issue facing the American public (including Central and Southern America) regardless of if Republicans are exploiting the situation or the fact that Republicans lack solutions to the problem, it is a crisis.

When Senator Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both Republican Hispanic senators, condemn the Biden administration for bad border policy, it resonates because it is truthful. Conservative media points out the same issues Democrats do under Republican governance, can we not fix this? Border issues do not wear a blue or red jersey the coyotes (the term for traffickers) take money from migrants seeking better opportunities promising to get them across the border even though the risk of death and imprisonment is high. These coyotes will sell people into sex slavery and force people into gangs, they do not care if migrants die on the trip, and many face imprisonment in the US, does this sound humane?

It is not humane, and we should address it. I hate seeing scenes of migrants bused by governors of border states to other states, but it emphasizes we are not fixing the border. I am the first to admit my preferred outcome is not palatable for many. I still believe migrants take jobs Americans aren’t willing to and will do it for less because of lower costs of living in their countries of origin. Their willingness to work is deflationary but not the only reason I support a lax immiggration policy, I support immigration because it is the right thing to do. We have more than enough resources and an abundance of available jobs. But I get the tradeoffs.

My preference

  • A more lax VISA program, allowing migrants to cross borders for work.
  • Giving migrants a choice to stay or return home.
  • Make migrants and their employers pay all taxes.
  • Pay migrants at least the minimum wage so you do not undercut domestic workers.
  • Take Payroll taxes from migrants to help fund our safety nets (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security) which they aren’t eligible to receive.

If Americans aren’t ready to go that far, other tweaks are available.

  • Increasing the VISA program.
  • Shortening citizenship timelines
  • Increasing the number of judges to process asylum claims.
  • Working on root causes of migration (pay and safety of Central and Southern American citizens)
  • Stricter enforcement of existing laws.

Democrats control the government, and starting the conversation is a good idea. While in control Democrats will be able to set the parameters of debate and policy outcomes. They can improve the system, even if only on the margins. I’m hopeful and optimistic this can be done in a compassionate way that acknowledges the dignity and humanity of all involved.

