Congress should end the debt crisis

De'Andre Crenshaw
2 min readOct 1, 2021

The federal government is again struggling to complete what should be a routine vote to raise the debt ceiling. I say the government should because politicians have found out the debt ceiling is a tool the minority can use to harm the governing party. The debt ceiling is the established borrowing limit that government imposes on itself as a stopgap. At one point I am sure it did manage government spending. It required politicians to determine whether to increases it; and how much to increase it by. But in the current form, it is something that either needs reform or abolition.

Under Obama, the Republicans threatened a default forcing the administration to accept spending cuts. Those cuts slowed economic growth and stalled Obama’s domestic agenda. Under Biden, Republicans are not even engaging in negotiations forcing Democrats to raise it on their own. While Democrats helped raise the debt ceiling under previous Republican administrations the same can not be said about Republicans. The threat of a self-imposed recession is too great, and it is time to recognize that one party is no longer concerned with governing and willing to push us to the brink.

It is time for Democrats to end the debt ceiling debates. There have been constant discussions about doing just that, but there is the fear of attack ads. Attack ads are coming either way. If you fail to raise it, a recession will happen that will be in ads. If you do not raise the ceiling enough, you risk re-entering this debate that will be in ads. If you raise it just right the government continues along but the amount you raised it by will be in ads. No matter what they will run ads on it. So why not eliminate it and explain that vote? Raise the debt ceiling to an amount you will not hit and run on being the responsible party. The party that will no longer put the full faith and credit of the U.S. government in danger. Democrats should message that they will no longer allow Republicans to hold hostage the government. Explain payments to active military, veterans, Medicare, Medicaid, social security and so much more are in danger if a default happens. Be the party that protected American retirement plans and our economy from a Republican party willing to use government to disrupt our way of life. Voters need to understand how dangerous this game is and who caused it. If Republicans can not be counted on Democrats need to eliminate the debt ceiling.

